I am launching the Career Cycle in order to…
To show that gender equality applies everywhere. Especially where we spend the most time, namely at work.
I would like us to approach gender equality from a different perspective. Not only in terms of wages or quotas, but mainly in the context of who we are and what we need. Equality means equal self-esteem of a man and a woman, equal support from your female or male manager. We seem to have forgotten about the basic needs of women along the way. We should take a close look at our companies and think whether we would really like out mother, sister or daughter to work there. Do you think they would feel comfortable with you?
When I hear ‘a working woman’, I imagine…
My mother, who sacrificed many years to start her own business. And has always been a role model of a strong, independent woman for me. It was my mother who taught me about women being aware of their rights and opportunities. I would like to prove that there are more people who think like us. And change our reality, one company at a time. Let’s try to show that people in Poland can think of the future, too. That a female or male employee is more than just another Excel record but a human being. An individual who has hundreds of thoughts – doubts and fears, but also dreams and desires. Together, we can build strong teams. Teams that support each other, feel each other’s needs, and are effective in what they do.
Menstruation at work is still a taboo…
Because it is men who often discuss women’s problems. I know many men who think otherwise. But we cannot change people’s nature. A man who has never experienced menstruation or had a baby will never understand what a woman feels then. Sometimes the taboo around menstruation is also strengthened by us, women. We try to follow a day and night cycle like men. We refuse to accept we are cyclical. But we can take a different approach to our body and its properties. Instead of feeling shame and fear, we can experience healthy anger and mature pride. Stop being afraid. Mother nature has endowed us with a unique power that gives us great opportunities. We should listen to our bodies and start using this power.
What I would most like to hear from my female employees…
I would like to hear about their needs, their passions and desires. But also about their families and their loved ones. About what they consider important. About what else they would like to change at work and how I can help unleash their potential. I would like us to understand each other and achieve professional goals together, even the most challenging ones. What I would like to hear from women, not only those I work with, is that they can talk freely about their bodies and their needs. Just as men often do – without restraint or unnecessary embarrassment. In my team, I try to let everyone spread their wings, regardless of their gender. And then let them fly high.
Are women the weaker sex? When someone says that, I think about…
My takeover of Polenergia and similar doubts even among people who are closest to me. ‘She will not make it’. ‘Women and big business? No way’. Recent years have shown how wrong all those who think women are weaker were. And I don’t mean only me but all my female employees and partners working for our joint success. Since I became head of Polenergia, its value has increased by 550 percent. Today, it is the largest renewable energy company in Poland, on the way to becoming one of the leaders in Europe. We attract valuable investors, and acquire other RES companies. If this is what you mean by weaker sex, I would really like to know what the stronger sex looks like.
If men had periods…
We would already have menstrual leaves, free medical consultations, pads and tampons at every workplace, restaurant, shop, public office. I think this would be a major topic in the media and in our public debate. In many places, it is men who shape our shared reality. And women’s needs are marginalised. Let’s change that! Let’s build an equilibrium to draw strength from together.
Careers are most hampered for women today…
By a world created by men and for men. My heart aches when I see how women sometimes have to struggle for a maternity pay or a guaranteed return to work after their maternity leave. These are parts of our reality that are inherently linked to our biology. If it weren’t for the wombs of women, we would not exist at all. And menstruation is part of the process. Sometimes, however, we tend to impede our own growth at work. We do not believe in our talents, abilities, or skills. I think we need to stop putting artificial obstacles in our way. Making women aware of that is one of my life’s missions.
Comments such as ‘You must be on your period…’
Are unacceptable. If I heard someone say this today, I would send the person back to at least the 19th century. To the time when women did not have the right to vote. And nothing to say at home, at work, or in public life. Most of the common jokes about menstruation are based on ignorance. This is why I feel the need to build awareness and spread information about menstrual health. I believe that as a society we are already mature enough to stop accepting mockery or hateful comments because of the period. Gender stigma and discrimination should stay right where they belong, that is, in the past.
Empowering women in my company is…
One of my priorities from the very beginning. Even in such male-dominated industries as energy and power generation. Let’s face it: most jobs were designed by men and for men. Corporations are often places of patriarchy. I believe women are as capable as men and can do exactly the same work. Putting women at the steering wheel is just a matter of trust. I am trying to do that and extend women’s participation in places where I have a deciding vote. Everyday work at the Kulczyk Foundation is managed by women.
Sanitary pads or tampons in the workplace…
Are essential just like toilet paper, soap and a hand dryer. There is no doubt about it! If our studies show that a woman has to hide her sanitary pad when she is going to the restroom to change it, then there is still something missing from our labour market. Do you know what it is? A gentle and caring approach to female and male employees. Understanding their needs. Openness to change that should have been in place for a long time. This is what the Career Cycle is for. We open people’s eyes so there are as many of us who share this approach as possible. This is just the beginning. This snowball is only gaining momentum.
Interview by Anna Zaleska
Picture: Mateusz Stankiewicz
The text was published at gazetaprawna.pl on 14 January 2022